Hospital Partnerships, Mergers & Acquisitions—We Wrote the Book

Book Cover 1Navigating a hospital M&A process can be complex and daunting.

Juniper can help.

Our new book for hospital Boards and executives offers a start-to-finish look at what it takes to successfully complete a healthcare partnership.

The book includes articles from Juniper and leading partners in the field about partnership evaluations, transaction structures, legal considerations, communications and more.

For more than 30 years, the team at Juniper Advisory has had one singular focus: hospital partnerships. With our niche concentration and no competing service lines, we provide unparalleled guidance for hospitals seeking to assess their independence, find the right partner, or grow.

As more hospitals seek stability and growth through partnerships in a post-pandemic landscape, we hope you will find this book to be a valuable resource.

The book is available for purchase on Amazon. To download a free copy of the e-book, please fill out the form here.