Our Approach
Sound advice is based on transparency.
One of our core beliefs is that complete and transparent information is the foundation of strong decision-making. Besides providing experienced, honest advice and skilled transaction execution, our job includes pulling the very best alternatives for each of our clients from the market. We understand how to attract partners for our clients and how to assist our client boards in assessing partnership alternatives. We have honed this iterative process over 30 years and adjust it for each client based on their situation and objectives.
Situation Assessment
We consider the national, regional and local markets and help our client assess their current position and ability to meet their objectives in the near- and medium-terms. We review partnership structures, case studies, organizational performance and other materials to bring client boards to a shared level of understanding.
Actionable Alternatives
We pull the full range of alternatives, including partners and structures, from the market and assist our client in assessing the pros and cons of each relative to each other and to their current structure. During this phase, Juniper works to structure the financial and non-financial terms in our client’s favor so that they can make a decision based on fit, culture and their view of the future instead of being forced to choose between good and bad contractual terms.
Transaction Execution
If the Board decides to move forward with a potential partner, our team works with counsel to ensure that the legal documents match the business agreement and that the combination creates new value where none existed. We balance the risk exchange to ensure that our client is protected through the pendency of the transaction.